Think before you bet and remember the house edge

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

DSC01668 - Obama gets elected in San Francisco - American Flag - Castro Street - Blogging by loupiote (Old Skool)

Wordpress is a great content management system. Install Wordpress on your own host: customize your blog endlessly, monetize and make money off your blog, experiment with better themes, plugins, etc.

Make sure you do the following in order before you begin:

- A domain name purchased ( you can purchase one through
- A host provider (in this example I'll be using Hostgator)
- Redirect your name server for the godaddy domain name to your nameservers (you can find this under your Hostgator Account information)

Why Hostgator?
It's the host I use, and I like that it has many features such as Fantastico to install Wordpress

So how exactly do you install Wordpress on Hostgator?

1) Login to your Hostgator Control Panel

2) Scroll down until you see the Software/Services Section, now click on the "Fantastico De Luxe" button

3) Once inside Fantastico De Luxe, on the left hand side, scroll down to the "Blogs" section

4) Select the "Wordpress" Link and click on this link

5) Once you're inside the Wordpress area, click on "New Installation"

6) At the top left hand side, where it reads " Installation Location", You need to enter the domain name you want wordpress to install your blog to. (just leave the "install in directory" empty, it won't affect your installation)

7) In the "Admin Access Data" enter the user name and password *the user name and password is what you will use to login to the backend of your newly installed blog! (write it somewhere safe!)

8) Scroll down to the "Base Configuration" enter your e-mail (you never know when you might forget your login details!)

9) Enter the name of your website on "Site Name"

10) Click the "Install Wordpress" and you're DONE!

11) Check to see if the installation worked:

Type in
Once there login to your backend with the username and password you chose during the installation
If the login is successful, the installation is a SUCCESS!

* Once you've installed your wordpress blog on your hosting provider, it's easy to customize it to your liking with material such as themes, ads, photos, video e.t.c

Source article: Online Journals and Blogger Pro and free blog site and Daily Journal and Blogger Creator


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