Annuity Leads can fatten your wallet

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

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Hey, who else wants to become the kind of killer agent who can easily convince otherwise rational people to open up their wallets and give you all their money. C'mon, show of hands. Who wants that kind of skill? You better be waving your hand over your head like a third-grader with a full bladder. Because getting savvy at salesmanship is the beginning and end of getting filthy, stinking rich in the annuity business. In any business actually. In addition, to be a good salesperson you better be a "LEAD GENERATING MACHINE" or you will starve to death. Today, to make $300,000 to $500,000 in the annuity business you need 3-4 appointments per day. In order to produce that many appointments you need a minimum of 30 to 40 leads per week. Now, don't be shocked with those numbers. Unfortunately, that's the fact of life today.

Are you Prepared For it?

If you answered "yes," congratulations on being "proactive" instead of "reactive." For the other 90% of you who answered "no", or "I think so," here is a quick checklist that will help you become a lead generating machine.

Step #1 Send all your clients a newsletter, postcard, or flyer on a monthly basis.

Step #2 Start Mailing more postcard and making more calls to promote your services.

If you normally send out 200 postcards a week to a list of CD Holders or Mutual Fund Holders in your area, boost it up to 500 (just make sure you track the numbers and that you remain profitable). If you normally have one telemarketer calling 4 days a week, hire another one or two to make more calls for you.

Step #3 Start sending a Client Newsletter to all centers of influence in your area.

Besides sending out a client newsletter to your clients, what about offering your expertise to CPA's, Accountants, Lawyers, Real Estate Agents, church and business associates. What you want is to get them to put an insert in your monthly newsletter and even pay for the postage.

Step #4 Go back to your clients who have not used your services for two years or longer and send them the "I Missed you Letter."

Step #5 Get testimonials From Satisfied Clients.

What do you think is the single most important marketing strategy? Good ads? Sales Letters? Headlines? Well, all of the above are important, but credibility and believability have the most impact on making a prospect feel comfortable enough to do business with you. Once you start getting these testimonials, make sure you use them like crazy. Put them in your postcards, ads, letters. Use them as headlines! Trust me - these testimonials will be worth their weight in gold. Don't miss out on this incredible marketing bonanza!

Step #6 Ask For and Get Referrals.

One of the best parts of this business is that your first few years of proper marketing, most of your business should come from word-of-mouth and referrals. Many of these referrals will be generating automatically IF it provides excellent service that blows your customers. But what if you're just beginning, and you're not a year or two to wait for these activities happen automatically? Then I suggest you try the technique to create 5 conversions with each client. How? Make it part of their business.


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